A blazing night on El Cap (18.07.2017)

Geschrieben von Albrecht (Albrecht Hofheinz)

Tourlänge 78h 00min
Besteigungen Eagle peak (2.371m) 18.07.2017
El Capitan (2.307m) 18.07.2017
Sentinel Dome (2.476m) 18.07.2017
Besuche anderer PBE Yosemite Valley (1.200m) 18.07.2017

Up to Yosemite Falls and thence to El Cap where we camped under a yellow doomsday sky. Ash was raining down on us from the Mariposa wildfires, but we knew the winds would turn to clear up the air during the night. Got up at 4am to take amazing shots of the starry sky with the wildfire gloom in the background. Visited Eagle Peak on the way back and spent a long time enjoying the views from there. Down the overcrowded Yosemite Falls trail we came across a man in trouble (heart problems), called 911, and got a helicopter in for him. Then raced down to reach the Ranger’s Office in time to get the next wilderness permit for Illilouette. After a night on backpackers camp ground, we were lucky to catch a ride on the bus up to Glacier Point, from where we hiked first to Sentinel Dome, then into Illilouette valley. Cozy campground next the fresh bear tracks, and nice company (invited over the river by other hikers to join them at their campfire for dinner). Day after out Panorama Trail to the Nevada and Vernal Falls, then took the mist trail down to the valley.


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