Horsås to Hauge: Burkelandsfjellet and Smålandsfjellet (05.11.2017)

Geschrieben von hbar (Harald Barsnes) GSM

Startpunkt Valestrand kai (1m)
Endpunkt Valestrand kai (1m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 3h 30min
Entfernung 13,8km
Höhenmeter 589m
Besteigungen Burkelandsfjellet (365m) 05.11.2017
Hallandskletten (245m) 05.11.2017
Horsåsfjellet (363m) 05.11.2017
Perafjellet (215m) 05.11.2017
Smålandsfjellet (252m) 05.11.2017

Horsås to Hauge: Burkelandsfjellet and Smålandsfjellet

On the way to Horsås
On the way to Horsås
Trailhead Burkelandsfjellet
Trailhead Burkelandsfjellet
Trailhead Burkelandsfjellet
Trailhead Burkelandsfjellet
Trail towards Burkelandsfjellet
Trail towards Burkelandsfjellet
Trail towards Burkelandsfjellet
Trail towards Burkelandsfjellet
Valestrand from Horsåsfjellet
Valestrand from Horsåsfjellet
Horsåsfjellet. Burkelandsfjellet left.
Horsåsfjellet. Burkelandsfjellet left.
Trail northwest from Horsåsfjellet
Trail northwest from Horsåsfjellet
Burkelandsfjellet and Osterfjorden
Burkelandsfjellet and Osterfjorden
Valestrand from Burkelandsfjellet
Valestrand from Burkelandsfjellet
View from Burkelandsfjellet
View from Burkelandsfjellet
View from Burkelandsfjellet
View from Burkelandsfjellet
Trail down to Smålandsskaret
Trail down to Smålandsskaret
View towards Smålandsfjellet
View towards Smålandsfjellet

Burkelandsfjellet and Horsåsfjellet

Started by taking the bus and ferry to Valestrand. From Valestrand I walked along the roads up to Horsås to locate the start of the trail towards Burkelandsfjellet. Did not really find any trail at first, but I started in the direction of the trail indicated on the map and after a short while a weak trail did appear.

I was still not sure if this was the trail I was looking for until it improved slightly as it reached the first plateau, but even here the trail was quite narrow with low bushes on both sides, making it a rather wet experience. However, having the trail clearly made it a lot easier to progress towards the summit. The summit of Burkelandsfjellet soon appeared in the fog and I made it there without any real difficulties.

The fog ruined most of the views though, so I decided to take a quick detour west to the summit of Horsåsfjellet, hoping some of the fog would clear before I returned. The trail to Horsåsfjellet was easy to follow, but the summit itself was not marked in any way and the views seemed to be pretty similar as from Burkelandsfjellet. Upon returning to Burkelandsfjellet the fog had cleared just enough to take some slightly better pictures of the view, before continuing southeast along the ridge towards Smålandsskaret.

Smålandsfjellet, Hallandskletten and Perafjellet

The trail down to Smålandsskaret seemed to be more heavily used than the route I had taken up to Burkelandsfjellet, with lots of rocks to step on to cross the wetter areas. However, on such a wet day as this one, the trail was still full of mud and I had to stay focused in order to avoid sliding or falling. Note that just before reaching Smålandsskaret the trail seemed to take a wrong turn heading east into the woods, but it soon turned southeast again, ending up at the wooden staircase indicating the start of the ascent to Smålandsfjellet.

I had assumed that the staircase indicated that the trail would now get better, but actually, the trail after the stairs was perhaps the worst of the day, mainly consisting of lose mud. Hopefully it is better on less wet days. Thankfully the trail improved somewhat upon reaching the summit of Smålandsfjellet, which also provided nice views towards Valestrand.

Not long after leaving Smålandsfjellet, I arrived at the next small summit, Hallandskletten, which included both an impressive cairn and a small wooden shelter, again with very nice views towards Valestrand. I continued southeast, passing by various smaller viewpoints with benches, including Perafjellet, before following a trail that took me to Follfotvegen.

The hike was concluded by walking along the roads back to the ferry at Valestrand. Or I should rather say running along the roads, as I very much did not want to spend a wet and cold half hour waiting for the next ferry. So with a bit of running, I made the planned ferry with less than a minute to spare. :)


I'm sure this would have been a much nicer hike in better weather, both with regards to less rain and fog to limit the views, and in terms of less muddy and wet trails. Still quite enjoyable though, but for future visits of Burkelandsfjellet I would probably recommend skipping the trail from Horsås (or perhaps there is a better trail crossing over Horsåsfjellet?) and rather use the trail from Småland in both directions.

Trail towards Smålandsfjellet
Trail towards Smålandsfjellet
View from Smålandsfjellet
View from Smålandsfjellet
View from southeast of Perafjellet
View from southeast of Perafjellet

Startzeitpunkt 05.11.2017 12:12
Endzeitpunkt 05.11.2017 15:42
Gesamtzeit 3h 30min
Zeit in Bewegung 3h 16min
Pausenzeit 0h 13min
Gesamtschnitt 4,0km/h
Bewegungsschnitt 4,2km/h
Entfernung 13,8km
Höhenmeter 589m


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