Håfjelltuva - 817m

Name Håfjelltuva
Suchname Håfjelltuva
Höhe 817 Meter
Region Narvik
Elternregionen Europa, Norwegen, Norwegen Festland, Nordland, Ofoten
Schartentiefe 602 Meter
Betreuer admin (Administrator)
Letzte Änderung 09.03.2016
Alternativer Name Vuopmegeaščohkka
Schwierigkeitsgrad nicht bewertet
Koordinaten 33W 569702 7584857 (UTM)
Karte Zeige Objekt auf der Karte

© Otto Lund

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Håfjelltuva ist in 10 Listen enthalten.

We drove up the road that turns up the valley off the road 819 near the village of Skarnes. After about two kilometres there is a private road on the right. Take this and shortly after there is a sign asking for 20 NOK for use of the road. Money to be placed into a box. We continued on round two hairpin bends until a small barrier blocked the way. This was there to stop cars going further and getting stuck in the snow. Much of the snow had gone however. We walked up to the high point of the road and then turned left uphill, steeply at first, then easing. A snow shower blew in as we approached a ski station and visibilty was poor. We pressed on however and continued easily up to the summit and duly signed the book. Visibilty was not good and only intermittent views could be had. We returned in a southerly direction before swinging round to the east to return to the road and car. It only took just over two hours, a short afternoon or evening walk. My companions were Jon Massey and Ian Archer

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