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Ama Dablam


For a third year in a row I found myself back in the Khumbu valley of Nepal and back to climb another spectacular mountain. After the previous two years with what I considered to be fairly successful and exhilarating trips at altitude, it felt like a tradition needed to be repeated (I like traditions) and an attempt to climb the magnificent Ama Dablam finally needed to be made. It was only about 3 weeks after having come back from Cholatse in 2017 that I’d already made up my mind that this was what I absolutely wanted to do in 2018! It also seemed like a natural objective to have since 2018 would be 10 years after my first visit to Nepal and my first glimpse of the mountain. Once again I joined an expedition organised by Jagged Globe again since they traditionally run their Ama Dablam trips >>>