Budalshovden from Evanger (11.10.2020)

Startpunkt Evanger stasjon (17m)
Endpunkt Evanger stasjon (17m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 5h 58min
Entfernung 19,2km
Höhenmeter 1.220m
Besteigungen Budalshovden (1.140m) 11.10.2020
Besuche anderer PBE Evanger stasjon (17m) 11.10.2020
Muggåsstølen (609m) 11.10.2020
Skorset (785m) 11.10.2020

Budalshovden from Evanger

On the way to Elge
On the way to Elge
Arriving at Elge
Arriving at Elge
The road east of Elge...
The road east of Elge...
Start of the service road
Start of the service road
Fog finally starting to clear
Fog finally starting to clear
Marked trailhead in Horgavegen
Marked trailhead in Horgavegen
Trail below Muggåsstølen
Trail below Muggåsstølen
Mykkeltveitveten from the ascent
Mykkeltveitveten from the ascent
Arriving at Muggåsstølen
Arriving at Muggåsstølen
Mykkeltveitveten fr. Muggåsstølen
Mykkeltveitveten fr. Muggåsstølen

I started by taking the train to Evanger and in increasingly thicker fog followed the paved road up to Elge. Thankfully the fog started lifting, or more precisely I had climbed above it, shortly after I headed northeast on a service road when the road forked east of Elge. The service road had the usual warning sign of low quality, but as far as I could tell the quality of the gravel road was much better than the sign seemed to indicate.

After 4-5 km (from Evanger), I arrived at the marked trailhead for Skorset. (As I discovered on the descent, there are actually two trailheads only 15-20 meters from each other. The two trails quickly merge though.) The trail itself was not marked, but it was overall of good quality and easy to follow. Some of the potentially slippery sections under wet or icy conditions were also equipped with ropes.

I shortly arrived at the beautiful location of Muggåsstølen, in the end reached by crossing the river via a small bridge. The trail quality was not the best in this area, rather wet and weak, but as I could spot the buildings at Muggåsstølen the direction was still obvious.

The trail continued north from Muggåsstølen, again with a short section of poor trail quality. This time mainly due to mud. However, it quickly improved, and most of the trail up to Skorset was easy to follow and of good quality. Still no trail markers. But as there is only one trail they were not really needed anyway.

At Skorsetvatnet the trail came to an end at the remains of an old building marked as Skorset on the map. A sign with Skorset however showed up earlier, just as I reached the lake. I decided to add the new Skorset PB-element at the location of the ruin, as this is where the trail ends and probably a natural turning point for most hikers.

From Skorset I continued off-trail in the direction of Budalshovden. Though I came across several trails/animal tracks that I partly followed, sometimes for longer periods, but they always ended up disappearing without any obvious hints of where I should head next. The direction was now obvious anyway and the trail/track not really needed.

I followed the river north, before locating a gap in the steep cliff band to my right, allowing me to ascend to the final plateau southwest of the summit. From there it was straightforward to reach the summit, marked by a small cairn with much larger metal rod.

Excellent panoramic views from the summit. But due to cold winds at the summit, I postponed the planned lunch and instead started my descent, following pretty much the same route as for the ascent.

In summary, an excellent hike that can be highly recommended. Especially the visit of Muggåsstølen and its unique location. Continuing to Skorset is probably something most hikers will enjoy as well. The off-trail ascent to Budalshovden can also be done without any real challenges, but this final section may be more of a special interest hike.

Approaching Skorsetvatnet
Approaching Skorsetvatnet
Skorset with Mykkeltveitveten in the background
Skorset with Mykkeltveitveten in the background
Skorsetvatnet with Styveshorgi to the right
Skorsetvatnet with Styveshorgi to the right
Weak trail/animal track towards Budalshovden
Weak trail/animal track towards Budalshovden
Northwest of Budalen. I ascended to the right.
Northwest of Budalen. I ascended to the right.
Looking back at Styveshorgi from the ascent
Looking back at Styveshorgi from the ascent
Approaching the summit of Budalshovden
Approaching the summit of Budalshovden
Budalshovden with Kvitanosi in the background
Budalshovden with Kvitanosi in the background
Towards Kvitanosi from Budalshovden
Towards Kvitanosi from Budalshovden
Budalshovden with Mykkeltveitveten (and Styveshorgi) in the background
Budalshovden with Mykkeltveitveten (and Styveshorgi) in the background
Descending towards Budalen
Descending towards Budalen
Weak trail/animal track used on the descent
Weak trail/animal track used on the descent
Looking back at Skorset and the descent from Budalshovden
Looking back at Skorset and the descent from Budalshovden
Almost back down at Muggåsstølen. Elgestølen to the right.
Almost back down at Muggåsstølen. Elgestølen to the right.
Looking back at Muggåsstølen from the descent
Looking back at Muggåsstølen from the descent
Mykkeltveitveten (left) and Kvitafjellet (right) from the descent
Mykkeltveitveten (left) and Kvitafjellet (right) from the descent
The alternative unmarked trailhead at Horgavegen
The alternative unmarked trailhead at Horgavegen
Looking back at the road forking east of Elge. (Same location as the third picture...)
Looking back at the road forking east of Elge. (Same location as the third picture...)
Southeast from Elge
Southeast from Elge

Startzeitpunkt 11.10.2020 09:38
(UTC+01:00 SZ)
Endzeitpunkt 11.10.2020 15:37
(UTC+01:00 SZ)
Gesamtzeit 5h 58min
Zeit in Bewegung 5h 15min
Pausenzeit 0h 43min
Gesamtschnitt 3,2km/h
Bewegungsschnitt 3,7km/h
Entfernung 19,2km
Höhenmeter 1.220m


Zeichen: 1000
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