Round on Runde (11.07.2023)

Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Start point Goksøyr P (5m)
Endpoint Goksøyr P (5m)
Characteristic Hike
Duration 2h 30min
Distance 7.4km
Vertical meters 447m
Ascents Rundabranden (294m) 11.07.2023
Sandshornet (245m) 11.07.2023
Visits of other PBEs Goksøyr parkering (7m) 11.07.2023
Lundeura (193m) 11.07.2023
Puffins above Stakkeneset on Runde
Puffins above Stakkeneset on Runde
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

After taking the ferry to Gurskøya, we drove north to Runde to make an excursion to the birds there. Before getting all the way to Goksøyr, we found the last public parking spot. From there, it's then just to follow the marked trails. From Goksøyr upwards to the heights above the bird cliffs (in the northwest of Runde), they even paved the trail for a good stretch -- what a service?! :-) Once up on Myrane, we first headed north (to Raudetinden). There, we got some nice views down to Kvalnes (where also Runde Fyr is). After stepping up to Rongabakkane, we then traversed Storemyr to get to Raudnipa (in the north of Rundabranden). From there, we had our first amazing views down to Hjorthaugsmåla, where a large number of gannets have their nesting spots. For looking down to this gannet colony, Raudnipa is probably the best spot. We then crossed over Rundabranden to get closer to Stakkeneset and Sandshornet. From a spot in the northwest of Sandshornet, we got some wonderful views to puffins, claiming their places above Stakkeneset. We then also walked over to Lundeura, but did not stay there any longer time (too many people there, simply). Instead, we hopped up to Sandshornet and enjoyed some wonderful panoramic views from up there. While getting back from there via Myrane, later, we also got to see several individuals of Great skua there. Eventually, it was just down the same paved trail that we had taken up in the beginning. Even though we do not really belong to this category of mankind, who would do anything just to see some birds, we still enjoyed this excursion tremendously. Looking down to nesting gannets, looking over to (many!) puffins at comparably close distance, and looking up to Great skua, circling above us, was clearly impressive and nice! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Web page from the Norwegian Trekking Association recommends a similar hike.

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