Vasstinden from Lauklineset (02.07.2023)

Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Start point Lauklineset (5m)
Endpoint Lauklineset (5m)
Characteristic Hike
Duration 4h 00min
Distance 8.1km
Vertical meters 929m
Ascents Vasstinden (900m) 02.07.2023
Visits of other PBEs Lauklines p-plass (2m) 02.07.2023
View into the direction of Sommarøya from Vasstinden
View into the direction of Sommarøya from Vasstinden
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

We estimated that there was enough time for another hike (before reaching our flight back from Tromsø). We drove towards Lauklineset on the north of Nordfjorden and parked a bit off from Lauklineset, where some parking place is set off for hikers (you pay a little for parking there, also). From this parking place, there's a marked trail up to Vasstinden. While still close to the road and Lauklineset, this trail is not very good (and one may prefer to walk the first meters along the road, instead). Once directly above Lauklineset, however, the trail is good, leading steeply upwards between the trees. At about 150masl, the trail levels out for a few meters before it gets steep again. At about 440masl, there's a sign that shows the hikers where the marked trail continues (towards the east, there). According to some information, an alternative trail is leaving there (towards the northwest) that passes by a small lake at about 550masl (in the southwest of Vasstinden) and then gets all the way to the northwestern side of Vasstinden (and up to Vasstinden from there, then). This alternative trail is not marked and we did not try to find it, neither. Instead, we followed the well marked and easy to find main trail all the way up to the top of Vasstinden (this ascent is not difficultn at all -- yes, at times it is steep, but the trail is good all the way up). While we were facing some strong wind on our way up, making the day quite cold, also, we had some better luck on the top (with less wind) so that we could enjoy some good time and a short break at the top, also. Once ready to hike down again, we followed the same trail down that we had taken up first, already. Vasstinden, with its position in the west of Kvaløya, offers truly nice views, especially towards the southwest / west / northwest!


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.

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