Two old stone crosses in Eivindvik (09.07.2023)

Start point Eivindvik (5m)
Endpoint Eivindvik (5m)
Characteristic Walk
Duration 0h 30min
Distance 0.7km
Vertical meters 28m
Visits of other PBEs Korset i Krossteigen (24m) 09.07.2023
Olavskorset (12m) 09.07.2023
Looking up to Olavskorset (with the Gulen church right behind it)
Looking up to Olavskorset (with the Gulen church right behind it)
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

After visiting Gulatinget east of Eivindvik, we continued to Eivindvik to see the two old stone crosses there, also. We parked near the harbor and first walked up to Gulen church (east of the harbor) to see the first cross (Olavskorset). It's standing there with some help now after it broke into two when a nearby tree was cut down in 2012. From there, one can already see the other cross (Korset i Krossteigen), standing a bit up in Krossteigen some (maybe) 250 meters further north. An accordingly short walk brought us up there then. This second cross is interesting as it seems to show some celtic flair. To compensate for that, maybe, they added a smaller, Latin cross (by embossing it out of the main cross). Clearly worth a close look! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
See the Norwegian Wikipedia for a page about the stone crosses in Eivindvik.
See an article in BT about the accident that happened to Olavskorset in 2012.

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