Gulatinget near Eivindvik (09.07.2023)

Start point Gulatinget P (15m)
Endpoint Gulatinget P (15m)
Characteristic Walk
Duration 0h 30min
Distance 0.6km
Vertical meters 11m
Visits of other PBEs Tusenårsstaden Gulen (14m) 09.07.2023
Tusenårstaden Gulating (10m) 09.07.2023
In front of Tingveggen at Tusenårsstaden Gulatinget near Eivindvik
In front of Tingveggen at Tusenårsstaden Gulatinget near Eivindvik
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

On our way northwards through Gulen, we stopped by Gulatinget near Eivindvik. Following road 605 from Nordgulen (and road 57 there) we stopped once near Guløyna and explored the park (Tusenårsstaden) and the monument of Bård Breivik (Tingveggen). We also enjoyed a nice chat with one person there, who was very kind to explain some of the related history to us! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
There's also an official web page of Gulatinget.

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