Short trip to Lyshovden via Bønes (26.09.2021)

Start point Varden (45m)
Endpoint Varden (45m)
Characteristic Bike trip - mixed
Duration 3h 00min
Distance 14.7km
Vertical meters 436m
Ascents Lyshovden (149m) 26.09.2021
Nordre Lyshovden (115m) 26.09.2021
Storahugen (79m) 26.09.2021
Visits of other PBEs Sælen kirke p-plass (15m) 26.09.2021
End of speed limit near the top of Storahugen
End of speed limit near the top of Storahugen
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

To get a bit of fresh air, I decided to pay Lyshovden a short visit. To do so, I took my eBike and first headed towards the south of Bønes (from Varden via Straume). Near Bønes kirke I took the chance to step up to Storahugen, also. From there, I passed over Bønes via Bønesskogen, connecting to C. J. Hambros vei on the other side. Once at Lyshovden, I first visited the southern hill. After completing a short round, I cycled down to the northern part of Lyshovden. Together with a friend, I then payed Nordre Lyshovden a short visit, before walking around it and getting back up to Lyshovden (then from the north). After that, it was basically to cycle home, again. In surprisingly warm autumn weather, it was nice to get some fresh air! :-)

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.

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