To Kaizerswaard in Rotterdam and back (30.06.2018)

Start point Rotterdam Centrum (5m)
Endpoint Rotterdam Centrum (5m)
Characteristic Bike trip
Duration 1h 30min
Distance 24.8km
Vertical meters 121m
Visits of other PBEs Erasmusbrug (10m) 30.06.2018
Rotterdam Centraal (5m) 30.06.2018
Van Brienenoordbrug (5m) 30.06.2018
To Kaizerswaard in the southeast of Rotterdam (and back)
To Kaizerswaard in the southeast of Rotterdam (and back)
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

I started from the center of Rotterdam and biked northwards first, crossing the main train station of Rotterdam (through the tunnel). After exploring Provenierssingel a bit, I continued my round via Bergweg to Zwart Janstraat, on which I then cycled into southeastern direction. When crossing the Rotte, I turned into a southern direction and continued until I got to Oudehaven. From there, I followed the Maas river (in eastern direction, mostly), until I came to the large bridge Van Brienenoordbrug. Crossing over the Maas on this bridge, I got myself onto a biking path leading to the park De Twee Heuvels. At Kaizerswaard, I started my return to the center of Rotterdam, first heading towards Lombardijen. Near Spinozapark, I turn right (and into northern direction). After a while, I ended up cycling along the main train line towards Rotterdam Centraal. At Varkenoordseviaduct, I changed over to Laan op Zuid, following this street in order to connect to Erasmusbrug. Eventually, I got back to the center of Rotterdam via Erasmusbrug and Westblaak.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.

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