Exploring Middendelfland by bike (03.06.2018)

Start point Rotterdam Centrum (5m)
Endpoint Rotterdam Centrum (5m)
Characteristic Bike trip
Duration 3h 00min
Distance 37.4km
Vertical meters 133m
Visits of other PBEs Rotterdam Centraal (5m) 03.06.2018
Veerpont De Trekschuit (0m) 03.06.2018
Biking in the large park Abtswoudse Bos in Middendelfland
Biking in the large park Abtswoudse Bos in Middendelfland
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

This day, we decided to explore Middendelfland with our bikes. We cycled first northwards from the center of Rotterdam, passing by the airport at its eastern end. From there, we enjoyed our biking across the fields and along the really many canals. The path along Berkelse Zweth, which brought us nearer to Middendelfland (in western direction) was comparably narrow and some care was needed when letting others pass by. Near Zweth we crossed over the canal Delftsche Schie, which we then followed northwards on its western side. Before getting into Delft, we turned left and entered the large park area Abtswoudse Bos on its eastern end. After cycling through the big park, we continued westwards in the south of Abtswoude. When meeting Vlaardingervaart, another big canal, we turned left again and following this canal southwards (on its eastern side). At Brasserie Vlietzicht, we enjoyed a really nice break, sitting directly at the waterfront. From there, we continued further south (through Holy), making another nice stop in the park 't Hof. Afterwards, we basically cycled back to Rotterdam (in estern direction), coming through Vlaardingen and Schiedam. All in all, this indeed was a very nice bike trip through the green Middendelfland!

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Brasserie Vlietzicht has, of course, its own home page.

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