Rotterdam cycling round (21.04.2018)

Start point Rotterdam Centrum (5m)
Endpoint Rotterdam Centrum (5m)
Characteristic Bike trip
Duration 1h 30min
Distance 25.7km
Vertical meters 117m
Visits of other PBEs Rotterdam Centraal (5m) 21.04.2018
Cycling somewhat around Kralings Plas in Rotterdam
Cycling somewhat around Kralings Plas in Rotterdam
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

We started to cycle from the Cool district in Rotterdam, going north and northeast first. Coming through lakes Bergse Achterplas and Bergse Voorplas, we turned right and continued towards the river Rotte. After first following the river for a short distance (in northeastern direction), we crossed over and continued towards the northeastern end of Kralingse Plas. When "touching" the Kralingse Bos, the park around Kralingse Plas, we turned left (into eastern direction) and headed for the Alexander part of Rotterdam. After passing through Prinsenpark, we continued in southeastern direction towards the river Hollandsche IJssel. Instead of crossing over the large Algerabrug, we started our return-trip to the center of Rotterdam (mostly in western direction), following the IJssel river first and then the Maas river (Nieuwe Maas).

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.

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