Cycling to, in, and from De Biesbosch (07.04.2018)

Start point Dordrecht (1m)
Endpoint Dordrecht (4m)
Characteristic Bike trip
Duration 4h 00min
Distance 45.1km
Vertical meters 122m
Visits of other PBEs Biesbosch Museum Eiland (5m) 07.04.2018
Dordrecht Drierivierenpunt (5m) 07.04.2018
Bird watchers in the national park De Biesbosch
Bird watchers in the national park De Biesbosch
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

After taking the river boat (Waterbus) from Rotterdam to Dordrecht, we cycled (more or less) directly to Kop van Het Land, where we (after a short break) took the ferry over the river Nieuwe Merwede to the national park Biesbosch (the Brabant part of it). Once on the other side, we first took a turn to the left (north) in order to do a clockwise entry arch into the heart of the national park. Our plan was then to cycle longer through the national park and then take another ferry (over the river Amer) to Lage Zwaluwe. When arriving at the very southwestern end of the national park, however, we had to learn that the ferry was not yet put in service for this summer and we had to change our plans. We thus cycled back along the river Nieuwe Merwede and took the ferry to Kop van Het Land, from where we cycled back to Dordrecht (almost exactly as we cycled in the beginning). Eventually, in Dordrecht, we turned towards the train station (instead of the water bus). All in all, this was a very nice cycling excursion in the national park De Biesbosch!


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
The national park De Biesbosch has, of course, a home page and you can also find information about it at Wikipedia.

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