Exploring the dunes north of Den Haag (01.04.2018)

Start point Den Haag HS (2m)
Endpoint Den Haag HS (2m)
Characteristic Bike trip
Duration 4h 00min
Distance 38.5km
Vertical meters 303m
Visits of other PBEs Hollandse Duinen / Meyendel (5m) 01.04.2018
Landgoed Voorlinden (10m) 01.04.2018
Meijendel parkering (5m) 01.04.2018
Watertoren Scheveningen (10m) 01.04.2018
With the bikes in the dunes north of Den Haag
With the bikes in the dunes north of Den Haag
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

We rented bikes from the train station Den Haag HS and biked first through the nice park Haagsche Bosch. We then cycled around the large park of Clingendael, before we entered the dunes in the north of Den Haad near the International Courthouse. We then enjoyed biking northwards (and "around"), getting to the very nice museum Voorlinden. After visiting the museum, we decided to have more of the dunes, before returning our bikes and taking the train home. Really a nice day!


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Museum Voorlinden has, of course, it's own home page.

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