Cala del Cau from Far de San Sebastia (17.06.2017)

Start point Far de San Sebastia (150m)
Endpoint Far de San Sebastia (150m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 2h 00min
Distance 2.2km
Vertical meters 209m
Visits of other PBEs Platja de El Cau (0m) 17.06.2017
Cala del Cau from above
Cala del Cau from above
Note that this track has been created from memory, i.e., it was not recorded automatically.

Trip Summary

I started my trip in Barcelona with the goal to see a little of the wild and nice Costa Brava. After some driving, I started to head for Far de San Sebastia, mostly because I expected some nice views from there. The car brought me all the way up to this little hill and I parked right next to the restaurant Far de San Sebastia. I then explored the hill-top with Torre de Guaita de San Sebastia, overlooking the Mediterranean sea and also large parts of the nearby land. I found a little path at the steep eastern side facing the sea and followed it in northern direction. After a little up and down along the steep mountain side, I got the idea that I could try to get down to the sea (and explore also the waters there!). Following some small tracks through the forest, I found a path that headed towards a little bay, Cala del Cau. Eventually, I connected to "the path" leading down to the bay. Giving the high temperatures, I really was nice to actually make it to the bay and take a short swim in the sea. After enjoying some time in the bay, I returned back up to the hill and the car. While altogether this was by no means a long hike, it still was special due to the hot weather! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google photo album.

Useful Resources

See also the related FB-page Hiking around Bergen, Norway.
Web page described a similar hike.

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