Oslomarka - Noen Maridalsalper m.fl. (22.11.2020)

Start point Skar P (195m)
Endpoint Skar P (195m)
Characteristic Hike
Duration 3h 12min
Distance 11.0km
Vertical meters 658m
Ascents VaggesteinĂ„sen (317m) 22.11.2020 13:48
Gaupekollen (524m) 22.11.2020 14:41
Midtkollen (519m) 22.11.2020 14:57
Gladlihaugene (499m) 22.11.2020 15:12
Visits of other PBEs Skar parkeringsplass (180m) 22.11.2020 13:25
Gaupekollen utsiktspunkt (466m) 22.11.2020 14:33

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