Såta im Hallingdal (01.09.2021)  6

Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 7h 05min
Distance 12.8km
Vertical meters 1,055m
Ascents Storehorn (1,482m) 01.09.2021 12:29
Veslehorn (1,300m) 01.09.2021 13:40
Veslehorn - pinakkel i sør (1,278m) 01.09.2021 14:59
Såta (1,622m) 01.09.2021 17:02

User comments

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    Lucky you

    Written by ligroenb 01.09.2021 22:46

    guys have had so much good weather on your norwaytrip!Looks like you have had som amazing trips these last days!

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      Aw: Lucky you

      Written by Chris 06.09.2021 20:01

      Yesss! It was simply an amazing time. It couldn't have been better. The whole month we've been so lucky with our trips.

      I'm glad to see that some of the good weather returned to the coast. Right in time for your vacation. :)

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